You can also pay with Smartum and Epassi.
(G) Gluten-free, (L) Lactose-free, (M) Milk-free.
Special diets, including vegan, are made to order the next day.
Take away includes main course with toppings, salad, dessert, bread and spread and mineral water.
Lunch icludes Marttinen's organic breads, spreads, drinks, Fair Trade coffee and tea.
Veggie lasagne L
Potato wedges
Green salad
Chocolate pudding G, L
Mediterranean chicken cassarole L, G
Boiled potatoes
Oat rice V
Paprika salad
Pike patties G, L
Crispy soy fingers V, G
Mashed poatoes G, L
Cabbage salad
Fruit salad
Paprika chicken G, L
Boiled poatoes
Oat rice
Salad table
Berry soup
Creamy salmon soup G, L
Cheese, cucumber and tomato
Whipped porridge
Changes are possible.
Marttinen is one of the eight centres supported by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.
Read more on the websites of Finnish Youth Centres Association